Hi there ! ☺
As you know, Doraemon is a cat-liked robot, which comes from the future, sended by Nobita's family. Doraemon has a special pocket which can fulfill our wants. Now, I would like to tell you 12 facts about Doraemon !
1. The nick "Doraemon" actually consists of 2 words : Dora and Emon. Dora is a kind of joke from "Nora", "Nora-Eko" which means a stray cat. Emon is a traditional addition word for human / animal (male gender). For example : Ishikawa Goemon. So literally, Doraemon means "Male Stray Cat".
2. Doraemon has a production code : MS-903. It is mentioned in 2007, Doraemon's Birthday Episode.
3. Doraemon will be finished manufactured on 3 September 2112. Wow ! 3 September is my birth date ! ☺
4. It is believed that Doraemon's lucky number is 1293. Doraemon weighs 129.3 kg (285 lbs) and height 129.3 cm (4'3 "). He can run up to 129.3 km / h (80.3 mph) when he is frightened and jumped 129.3 cm (424.2 feet) when in danger. Its maximum strength of 129.3 bhp. Wrist circumference 129.3 mm. circumference of his head & chest circumference is 129.3 cm. Its feet in diameter 129.3 mm. He produced on September 3, 2112 (again 12/9/3), in the Robot Factory Matsushiba.
As you know, Doraemon is a cat-liked robot, which comes from the future, sended by Nobita's family. Doraemon has a special pocket which can fulfill our wants. Now, I would like to tell you 12 facts about Doraemon !
1. The nick "Doraemon" actually consists of 2 words : Dora and Emon. Dora is a kind of joke from "Nora", "Nora-Eko" which means a stray cat. Emon is a traditional addition word for human / animal (male gender). For example : Ishikawa Goemon. So literally, Doraemon means "Male Stray Cat".
2. Doraemon has a production code : MS-903. It is mentioned in 2007, Doraemon's Birthday Episode.
3. Doraemon will be finished manufactured on 3 September 2112. Wow ! 3 September is my birth date ! ☺
4. It is believed that Doraemon's lucky number is 1293. Doraemon weighs 129.3 kg (285 lbs) and height 129.3 cm (4'3 "). He can run up to 129.3 km / h (80.3 mph) when he is frightened and jumped 129.3 cm (424.2 feet) when in danger. Its maximum strength of 129.3 bhp. Wrist circumference 129.3 mm. circumference of his head & chest circumference is 129.3 cm. Its feet in diameter 129.3 mm. He produced on September 3, 2112 (again 12/9/3), in the Robot Factory Matsushiba.
5. Doraemon's ex-girlfriend in the century is Noramyako. Noramyako drops him because she felt Doraemon's too short (it's after Doraemon's ears bitten by a mouse)
6. At first, Doraemon is yellow. After his ears bitten by the mouse, he got depression and sneaked up to a tower, where he drinked a concoction labelled "Sadness". When he cried, the yellow color faded and his voice changed.

7. According to Spin-off Serial, The Doraemons, Doraemon goes to a school called "Robot School".
8. Nobita's teacher is actually only called as "Sensei". But on a version which played on Nihon Television, he got the name "Ganari".
9. Doraemon and Dorami are known as brother and sister. It's because they were created from the same oil tank. Doraemon created earlier (2 years older). Then, Sewashi family hired Dorami.
10. Dorami is greater than Doraemon because she can provide energy about 1000 horsepower, while Doraemon can only provide it about 129,3 horsepower.
11. Dorami wasn't part of Nobita's family at first. She was sent by Sewashi to help Doraemon taking care of Nobita if Doraemon has an important business.
12. Doraemon is afraid of mouse because his ears were bitten by the mouse robots when he was sleeping. But I think, it's because Fujiko Fujio's imajination to create a joke. (Usually mouse is afraid of cat). So, it will be another humor for this anime. =D
That's all. I hope that you, especially the Doramaniac, will know more from this. God Bless You ! ☺
ref : http://www.koleksiweb.com/entertainment/inilah-12-fakta-tentang-doraemon-yang-harus-diketahui.html
ref : http://www.koleksiweb.com/entertainment/inilah-12-fakta-tentang-doraemon-yang-harus-diketahui.html
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